European Projects
The third Programme for the Union’s action in the field of health seeks to promote health in Europe by encouraging cooperation among Member States with the aim of improving health policies that benefit their citizens. The programme aims to support and complement Member State initiatives in the field of health and is implemented through annual work programmes that set out actions in the priority domains established under EU Regulation 282/2014. On this basis, CHAFEA (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Execution Agency) organizes annual calls for proposals.
Joint actions are a funding tool under the 3rd EU Health Programme. The calls for proposals related to the implementation of this Programme specify that proposed actions are to bring clear “Union added value”.
VISTART – Vigilance and Inspection for the Safety of Transfusion, Assisted Reproduction and Transplantation (HP-JA-2014 nr. 676969)
Under the European Commission Health Programme (HP-JA-2014) for 2014-2020, NRHSCVD is listed as beneficiary in the joint action project no. 676969 VISTART – Vigilance and Inspection for the Safety of Transfusion, Assisted Reproduction and Transplantation. The project was approved starting September 2015, with a duration of 36 months. The aim of this action is to support EU Member States (MS) in developing and strengthening their capacity for monitoring and control in the field of blood transfusion and tissue and cell transplantation. The project will develop monitoring and control-specific tools and will provide training to increase harmonisation of those MS activities that regulate the areas of blood transfusion, transplantation of tissues and cells and assisted reproduction. These are fields of healthcare that involve a considerable amount of movement of donated substances of human origin between MS and also movement of citizens between MS for treatment, particularly in the field of assisted reproduction. The project activities will contribute to greater assurance of receiving safe and effective treatments in these fields, regardless of the MS in which the treatment takes place. Within the project, NRHSCVD will undertake the evaluation of the 7 main work packages, will participate with specialists in 5 of these, and will contribute to the harmonized implementation of the Single European Code and its and its associated compendia of tissue establishments and tissue and cell products.